Monday, September 12, 2005

205 Submerged Schoolbuses?

Has anyone taken a close look at the Sept 1 oblique shot of those "submerged" 205 school buses? I didn't see that shot until after the flooding was complete, but certainly before any levels had subsided.

A close look reveals sunlight penetrating under those buses, indicating to me that the water was not much more than a foot deep. If so, these buses were, and maybe still are, driveable. They should be driven ASAP, to avoid the rusting up and freezing of their brakes, thus "freezing" them in place. Breaking loose frozen brakes is not fun.

Perhaps the egress from this lot and/or the path out was too deep for passage, but we don't know that. I'd like to see the watermarks around there, on the buses, buildings, etc..

Mary Landrieu said that all of the buses were under water. I guess that as good little children, we should accept that.

Considering the proactive kid who drove that "Renegade" schoolbus to Houston: It's too bad that he, or one of his passengers, didn't think of asking of those aboard; "Who can/will drive a bus?" And; swung back around to pick up more buses.


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