Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Shortly after the train bombings in Spain, and the subsequent election there, someone posed the question: "Do you think that there is a connection between the Socialists in Spain and the Jihadists?"
I have given considerable thought to the same question regarding the Hard Left in general, since 9/11. It seems imperative that these points be made.
There has been a deafening silence from the Muslim community, in their failure to criticize the action of any other Muslim. When any Non-Muslim expresses any concerns about border security, illegal immigration, sleeper cells, etc., we have the smarmy Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR denouncing him as a Profiler and Racist, Etc., Etc. "We're a religion of Peeeace!"
Upon 9/11 we got from the American Left, and Leftists around the world, the refrain that it was our fault. Our Foreign Policy caused it. We deserved it. Coincidentally?, we heard the same refrain from Osama and other Muslims
The simple answer to the question initially posed, is that the Hard Leftists and the Jihadists are merely different denominations of the same religion, and have the same Father. That religion is Totalitarianism. They only have minor doctrinal differences, one being Heaven here on their Mother Earth, the other; 72 Virgins somewhere else. The success of either, or both, as informed people well know, will be Hell on Earth.
The Left has largely succeeded with their Big Lie; that the political spectrum is a circle. That is: If you go far enough left, you become a Right Winger, and vise-versa. Anyone to the right of Walter Mondale is a Nazi. The Nazis were (and are), just a different flavor of Socialism. The word Nazi itself, is a contraction of the German words for National Socialist.
Who can discern a difference between the goals of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and the announced goals of Osama Bin Laden?
I submit that the true definition of the political spectrum is Anarchy (No Government) on the Right; and Totalitarian Rule (All Government) on the Left. The vast majority, are to the left of Anarchy. Anarchy rarely succeeds for long, being satisfactory only for Anarchists. When it did succeed, ("And the Earth was filled with violence."), God sent a flood.
Who would consider the so-called Anarchists who riot against NAFTA and the WTO etc., as Right–Wingers? It is well documented that the organizers are all Marxists, whether Stalinists, Maoists, Castroites, Trotskyites, or Kimites. They, along with the ACLU, Eco-Freaks, and PETA, etc., are more concerned with destroying Capitalism and Western Civilization, than any concern for People, Environment, or Animals.
The Leftists call themselves "Progressives". Their leaders, but not their "Useful Idiots", know that their only real goal is progress toward their Totalitarian nightmare. Aside from their minor doctrinal difference about chasing God from the Heavens and this World, and not being suicidal, any assistance from the IslamoFascists in the destruction of Capitalism and Western Civilization is welcome.
Should one doubt this thesis, check out Bill O'Reillys interview with Michael Moore, from the Democrat Convention. Speaking of the "Insurgents" and Terrorists operating in Iraq, he said enthusiastically; "They're Freedom Fighters!, They're the Revolution!"
Could anyone credibly assert; that the "Protesters" at the Republican Convention were not Kerry supporters? Is it not a truism that "You shall be known by the company you keep"?
I submit that the Hard Left was as happy about the 9/11 Atrocity, as they are angry with Afghanistan and Iraq. Ideology is thicker than water. As spiritual Siblings of the Jihadists, I suspect that they are envious however, because they don’t have the Cajone’s for direct action. Fortunately for the rest of us, most of our own Leftists are "Girly Men". Of course, they all intend to live forever, via Stem-Cell research
Sept 7, 2004. Revised from original of Mar 15, 2004
I have given considerable thought to the same question regarding the Hard Left in general, since 9/11. It seems imperative that these points be made.
There has been a deafening silence from the Muslim community, in their failure to criticize the action of any other Muslim. When any Non-Muslim expresses any concerns about border security, illegal immigration, sleeper cells, etc., we have the smarmy Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR denouncing him as a Profiler and Racist, Etc., Etc. "We're a religion of Peeeace!"
Upon 9/11 we got from the American Left, and Leftists around the world, the refrain that it was our fault. Our Foreign Policy caused it. We deserved it. Coincidentally?, we heard the same refrain from Osama and other Muslims
The simple answer to the question initially posed, is that the Hard Leftists and the Jihadists are merely different denominations of the same religion, and have the same Father. That religion is Totalitarianism. They only have minor doctrinal differences, one being Heaven here on their Mother Earth, the other; 72 Virgins somewhere else. The success of either, or both, as informed people well know, will be Hell on Earth.
The Left has largely succeeded with their Big Lie; that the political spectrum is a circle. That is: If you go far enough left, you become a Right Winger, and vise-versa. Anyone to the right of Walter Mondale is a Nazi. The Nazis were (and are), just a different flavor of Socialism. The word Nazi itself, is a contraction of the German words for National Socialist.
Who can discern a difference between the goals of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and the announced goals of Osama Bin Laden?
I submit that the true definition of the political spectrum is Anarchy (No Government) on the Right; and Totalitarian Rule (All Government) on the Left. The vast majority, are to the left of Anarchy. Anarchy rarely succeeds for long, being satisfactory only for Anarchists. When it did succeed, ("And the Earth was filled with violence."), God sent a flood.
Who would consider the so-called Anarchists who riot against NAFTA and the WTO etc., as Right–Wingers? It is well documented that the organizers are all Marxists, whether Stalinists, Maoists, Castroites, Trotskyites, or Kimites. They, along with the ACLU, Eco-Freaks, and PETA, etc., are more concerned with destroying Capitalism and Western Civilization, than any concern for People, Environment, or Animals.
The Leftists call themselves "Progressives". Their leaders, but not their "Useful Idiots", know that their only real goal is progress toward their Totalitarian nightmare. Aside from their minor doctrinal difference about chasing God from the Heavens and this World, and not being suicidal, any assistance from the IslamoFascists in the destruction of Capitalism and Western Civilization is welcome.
Should one doubt this thesis, check out Bill O'Reillys interview with Michael Moore, from the Democrat Convention. Speaking of the "Insurgents" and Terrorists operating in Iraq, he said enthusiastically; "They're Freedom Fighters!, They're the Revolution!"
Could anyone credibly assert; that the "Protesters" at the Republican Convention were not Kerry supporters? Is it not a truism that "You shall be known by the company you keep"?
I submit that the Hard Left was as happy about the 9/11 Atrocity, as they are angry with Afghanistan and Iraq. Ideology is thicker than water. As spiritual Siblings of the Jihadists, I suspect that they are envious however, because they don’t have the Cajone’s for direct action. Fortunately for the rest of us, most of our own Leftists are "Girly Men". Of course, they all intend to live forever, via Stem-Cell research
Sept 7, 2004. Revised from original of Mar 15, 2004